Release Blanket Orders

Use the Release Blanket Orders function for processing the release of one or more scheduled blanket orders.

  • For blanket orders to be released for the Scheduled type, you must have a scheduled date and quantity for the line items filled in on the schedule tab, and the schedule dates must be between the release from and thru dates.
  • To release blanket orders for the Amount and On-Demand types, you must use the Release button in the Blanket Orders function and you must have an amount filled into the Qty Released field.


  1. Use the Data Filter to select the range of filtering options or leave the filter blank to include all available data.
  2. Select a date or date range to include orders scheduled on or between the date or dates from the Release Date From and Thru fields. If you are releasing a group of blanket orders, you need to select a date range instead of a specific date. Any orders scheduled between the dates entered will be processed.
  3. Select the fiscal period and year for the orders from the Fiscal Period/Year fields.
  4. Select a batch code that should be assigned to the created orders from the Batch Code field.
  5. Select the Select check box, adjacent to the orders you want to release .
    Note: You can use the Select All button to select all orders to release or you can use the Unselect All button to deselect all orders.
  6. The Exchange Rate button on the toolbar will open the Exchange Rate dialog box where you can view all possible combinations of active currencies, and edit exchange rate values if applicable.

  7. Click a command button to
  8. Click To
    OK Begin releasing blanket orders.
    Activity Display the Activity Log to view releasing activity.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.